Welcome to The Bump House

Friday, November 12, 2010

Friday Mash Up - Feeding Your Muse

Welcome - Milo Fowler, Gabi & Katie Anderson. Stop by & check these folks out.

NaNo Counts - Brenda Drake 18355 Clarissa Draper 18000 Lisa Potts 11502 Yea!!!!

In Other Blogs:
Roni Loren posted on lessons learned from NaNo. Erica gave us 5 methods for dealing with unruly characters. In a funny bit, Jayne showed us how to pack some light reading for vacay. Shellie talked about 'The Hook' & its many dresses. Sending out prayers to Karen G's family. Nicole MacDonald had a post concerning professional editing. Kay Theodoratus talked about the death of a favorite character. Jamie Council is celebrating new jeans - check out the pics. Alexandra has been searching for plot issue resolution. Jennifer Lane looked at goal setting & how it has benefitted her writing life. Jennifer Shirk discussed Twitter observations. Pat Stoltey provided a list of contests & giveaways. Allan also posted about some giveaways. The Blood Red Pencil introduced a new blogger this week - Elspeth Antonelli. Jody Hedlund talked about the self-doubt ogre. Maggie Stiefvater let us in on the lengths we go to for our WIPs with some tea that is definitely not in my cupboard.

Reviews & Hostings:
Pamela Turner had a guest post from LK Below on world building. Iggi & Gabi reviewed 5 verse novels; all of which sound amazing. Jenn posted a review of 'Invention of Hugo Cabret' by Brian Selznick. Joanna St. James hosted Jessica Barksdale Inclan. Laura Kaye introduced Lea Nolan. Michelle Teacress placed a teaser for 'The Incorrigible Children of Ashton Place' by Maryrose Wood. Nancy Williams hosted her first author on her first blog tour - all those firsts; check out Mary Montague Sikes. Madeleine had an interview with Annie Ashworth & Meg Sanders. Angela Ackerman hosted 'Across the Universe' by Beth Revis. Lydia Sharp had guest host Juliette Wade. Jan O'Hara posted a second shot interview with Lisa Brackmann.

Milo Fowler received great news on rewrites & reprints.

Agent Bloggy Things:
Scott Eagan posted on building writing depth & why a duck is a duck & not a wading dinghy. Jessica Faust turned the blog over to one of her clients, Angie Fox, who discussed taking charge. Janet Reid is preparing for Crime Bake; if your attending & pitching her, best to read the posts first & don't forget to bring a tree. Nathan Bransford, if ya haven't heard, has decided to leave the agentsphere - sad indeed. You can see pics of Kristin Nelson in Florida - an agent, a mission, & an IRS report. Rachelle Gardner had guest blogger Gwen Stewart & rejection from the agent's desk.

On my NaNo front, I am crawling up the 26k mark. I have devised a get back on track plan. And, I took plenty of vitamins to get me through - just like the Beatles!

One last thought for the week: If your child insists on wearing the concrete shoes of stupid choices, are you required to throw them the rope? Or, is this more of an arbitrary thing? Any advice is appreciated as the weekend hangs in the balance.

Happy Writing,



  1. Thank you Patti for mentioning my first author blog book tour. I appreciate it.
    Mary Montague Sikes' blog book tour at my blog today...come on by. Nancy
    N. R. Williams, fantasy author

  2. You betcha Nancy.
    Have a great weekend.

  3. Patti, 26k and the month isn't even half over? That's INSANE! You're a writing lunatic and you still have time to blog and post blog highlight. I am not worthy(bow, bow, bow...).

    Now there will come a time when you're gonna have to let kids make their own mistakes. Sure you can try to warn them but they're kids, so...

    Take solace in knowing most kid survive their teen years.

  4. Thanks for the shout out! And 26K already? Nice. You'll reach 50K way before the end of the month. I'm pleased with reaching the 40K mark today (but I've been working on this particular WiP sporadically all year).

  5. Shellie,
    Thanks for the words of wisdom. And, maybe just lunatic - I did say they were playin my song this week.
    As always, your welcome. Yea for you - can't wait to hear more about it.

  6. Congrats on your NaNo count and I'm so happy that you put the links there. So much to read.

  7. Clarissa,
    Thank you & you're welcome. I know, I have to figure out some way to condense. Maybe I should buy some milk?? ;)

  8. Hey Patti ... thanks for the mentions. It's explains why I get so much traffic from your site.

  9. I do what I can. Besides, you make me laugh & that should be shared!
